SCD Basketball Premium Package
SCD Basketball Packages & Add-On Packs - Sports Cards Direct

SCD Basketball Premium Package

Regular price $160.00 Sale

With our SCD Basketball Premium Package, you will receive:

Premium:  5-7  2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, or 2021-22 basketball packs.

Pick Your Packs: Customize your package and decide which packs you will receive! The Pick Your Packs Package is similar to being at your local card shop and deciding among the selection of packs on the shelves. 

Specifically, the SCD Basketball Packages includes:

  • Cards: The number of packs varies depending upon the products selected that month.                                                                                                                                    
  • Premium:  The SCD Basketball Premium Package features the selection of packs such as Prizm Fast Break, and/or Optic that may not available in other SCD Basketball Packages.                                                                                                                       

By subscribing to the SCD Basketball Packages, you are authorizing a recurring payment according to the selected timeframe.